Our regular programs include…
- Full Membership
- Once a Week Membership
- Drop-in
- Junior League
- Little Rocks
- Friday Night Social
- Ladies Curling
- Men’s Curling
- Learn to Curl
- Commercial League
- Open League
- Mixed League
* there is a membership option that permits full junior memberships to participate in all club curling events, including bonspiels.
* coaching is available from one of our many club level coaching volunteers or competitive coaches
* coaching is free for all students
Snow Policy…

NCCC Snow Closure Policy – Revision February 20, 2021
If schools are cancelled due to weather or road conditions, the morning league coordinators will evaluate, in consult with the ice-plant chair if necessary, and decide by 8:15a.m if morning curling will occur. Members will be informed by e-mail of the decision.
If schools are closed, Little Rocks and Junior curling is also cancelled.
Evening leagues will be decided by 3p.m and members will be informed by e-mail. This decision will be in consultation between the respective league coordinator for that day, the ice-plant chair, and the PIEM member responsible for e-mail notifications.